First Coast Catholic Alliance


Can Someone Rid Us of these Meddlesome Catholics?

Peace be with you Militants!

Welcome to a new feature from the FCCA website: monthly newsletters!

My wife Joan and I attended the Florida Seafood Festival in Apalachicola a few weekends ago. Besides the fine food, vendors, and meeting Mike, the man behind the voice on 106.5 FM Oyster Radio (us New Englanders are used to mid-western sounding radio voices; you've got to listen to Oyster Radio to understand our astonishment at this man's voice), we were greeted by calls for "registered Florida voters" as we walked towards the entrance to the festival. These were the volunteers seeking signatures for the "Constitutional Amendment to Limit Government Interference" petition. The potential ballot summary reads as follows:

"No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the Legislature’s constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion."

The proposed amendment reads:

"New Section, Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion  Limiting government interference with abortion.— Except as provided in Article X, Section 22, no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider"

Andrew Shirvell, Founder & Executive Director of Florida Voice for the Unborn, says:

"With less than two-and-a-half months to go until the February 1, 2024,petition-signature-gathering deadline, the Florida abortion industry remains way behind in its effort to collect (and have verified by the state) the more than 891,523 signatures from Florida voters that it desperately needs for its radical initiative to go before voters in 2024....

"In Florida Voice for the Unborn’s previous e-update on October 12th, we reported that, as of that date, the total statewide verified signature count for the proposed pro-abortion constitutional amendment equaled 402,082. Now, more than a month later, the current count is approximately 491,865, as of today, November 18th."

Militants, this is good news! We must remember though today's Gospel (November 19th, 2023, the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time), the Parable of the Talents. According to Dr. Brant Pitre, "[w]e don't know exactly how much [a talent is worth] because the unit would differ on whether it was a silver talent or a gold talent, that would be that the most valuable of all; but just as an example, scholars point out that one silver talent was about 15 to 20 years worth of daily wages [emphasis mine]." Notice that each servant receives a different amount of talents, according to their abilities. This is meant to signify the abundance of gifts that God has bestowed upon each of us!

As the parable goes, the third servant "doesn’t understand who the master is. Not only does he not recognize that the master is generous, he even thinks the master is a thief ('I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not winnow''), and that [the master] takes what doesn't belong to him." The third servant takes what is essentially $1 million in today's money and buries it out of fear. This is a man who wastes God's gifts given to him, a sin of omission.

Militants, let's not be guilty of any sins of omission and waste our time in meaningless tasks and idle curiosities.  We have much to do!

Website Resources

Be sure to check out the Resources tab in the menu bar on this website to learn about the availability of an excellent commentary to the Bible available on this website as well as a comprehensive bible study on each Sunday's Mass readings at

FCCA/CM Resistance Booth at the Holiday on the Harbor, December 9th, 2023, Carrabelle, FL 12:00-7:00 PM ET

Don't forget to stop by the FCCA/CM Resistance Booth on Saturday, December 9th, 2023 between 12:00 and 7:00 PM ET to say hello, pick up some free prayer cards, saints cards, and pamphlets, and witness to our fellow Floridians about the One True Faith!

FCCA/CM Resistance Booth


MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. ( — Republicans from Michigan to Washington are voicing concerns regarding Catholic Charities' apparent involvement in the crisis at America's southern border, which includes child sex-trafficking and national security risks.

Read more here.


WASHINGTON ( - Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas, is demanding transparency from Catholic Charities USA as it continues to rake in taxpayer dollars to facilitate illegal immigration.

Read more here.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grantee Collects Pornographic LGBTQ Books for Minors at Youth Center

Over the years, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development has provided grants to the organization called Congregations United to Serve Humanity (CUSH).  From 2012-2018, the CCHD provided a total of $202,000 to CUSH, after which time it hadn’t received a grant again until the 2021-2022 grants cycle.  The recently published CCHD grants list for 2021-2022 shows that CUSH received a grant of $45,000 for that year.

Read more here.

Novena for Holy Souls in Purgatory

During the month of November, visit a cemetery, for nine consecutive days and pray this novena, written by St. Alphonsus Liguori. It has different prayers for each of the nine days, followed by the "Prayer to Our Suffering Savior for the Holy Souls in Purgatory."

Read more here.

Forgotten Coast Catholic Alliance (FCCA) Completes Transition to New Lay Group and Website

Peace be with you Militants!

For Church Militant and Resistance members and supporters, it has been a torturous and disappointing couple of months.

As you are most likely aware, Michael Voris was forced to resign as CEO of St. Michael's Media by the company's Board of Directors, for violating the company's morality clause (see here).  The following days since that announcement on November 21, 2023, have seen Voris issue a video statement, Christine Niles issue a video statement, and employees walking out/firing/resigning shortly after with David Gordon releasing a YouTube video that contains additional details from his perspective.

Since all that, SMM/CM settled with Fr. Georges de Laire with him being awarded $500,000 along with a website scrub of his stories and a written apology. SMM/CM also settled with the City of Baltimore being awarded $275,000 towards legal fees.  All employees were laid off on February 29, 2024, except for four board members. Lastly, Joe Gallagher, a former SMM/CM employee (Evening News anchor and Director of Resistance) has made some play for SMM/CM assets and its employees with regards to a new media company named Truth Army Productions.

With the apparent demise of SMM/CM, the static state of the Church Militant website, and no current plans to continue with Resistance, the former "Forgotten Coast Catholic Alliance" CM Resistance chapter and website have been rebranded to "First Coast Catholic Alliance" (, @FCoastCatholic on X) without the partnership to SMM/CM Resistance as a chapter for the Diocese of St. Augustine. However, FCCA's mission, goals, and objectives remain the same.

Our Mission:

The FCCA is a lay group of devout Catholics that helps Catholics connect, increase their faith, and develop and take action to resist and reverse the confusion, error, heresy, and corruption that has infiltrated our Church and our culture.

Our Goals:

  • Spread the one, true faith to those around us – our family and friends, fellow Catholics, fallen-away Catholics, and non-believers
  • Be prepared to defend our faith at any time
  • Receive the Sacraments (inc. weekly Mass, bi-monthly Confession, monthly Eucharistic Adoration)
  • Stay informed of issues affecting us
  • Re-catechize ourselves and others

Our Objectives:

  • Pro-Life & Legislative Watch: Protect the sanctity and freedom of unborn children
  • School Board Watch: Support parents as the primary teachers of their children
  • Modernist Watch: Identify error, confusion, and heresy among clerics in the priesthood and in the Episcopate, and public persons who identify as Catholics,

We are dedicated to saving souls, 100% faithful to the Magisterium, and at the service of the Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ.  We accomplish are goals and objectives through monthly meetings that inform, catechize, and organize ourselves to calls to public action.

Please consider carrying on the mission of Church Militant's Resistance as an independent lay group by joining us today!

God bless!