First Coast Catholic Alliance


Douay Rheims Bible with Haydock's Commentary

This Catholic Bible commentary, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849).  This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.  A reprint of this Douay-Rheims Bible with Haydock's commentary is published by:

Catholic Treasures
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See Transcriber's Notes for a description of the minor modifications that were made by the transcriber for this website to the content and presentation of the original Haydock Commentary.

The modern reader should be cautioned that this older commentary uses some archaic language and spellings and at times it seems to express some rather harsh opinions concerning Protestants and Jews.  Regarding the proper Catholic opinions with respect to Protestants and Jews, the reader is encouraged to look into more modern and authoritative treatments, such as the documents of the Second Vatican Council and Pope John Paul II's Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Apology to Readers:  The transcriber has done his best to try to accurately present the original text in order to make Haydock's valuable Bible commentary available to a wider audience.  However, there are bound to be numerous transcription and other errors in a work as large as this and for them the transcriber sincerely apologizes.

Mass Readings Explained

The Mass Readings Explained started with the desire to help people better prepare for Mass, as well as to help priests and deacons prepare homilies. With your active subscription you will receive the following:

1. A Bible study with Dr. Pitre focusing on the Sunday Mass Readings: In-depth, full length Bible study on [a] the Gospel readings, connecting them with the Old Testament reading and Responsorial Psalm, as well as [b] a second video dedicated to the 2nd reading (usually from an epistle of St. Paul) for each Sunday Mass. These full length videos are more exhaustive than excerpt videos you may have seen on our Youtube channel and the subscription gives you access to #'s 2 and 3 below.

2. Written transcript of Dr. Pitre’s Bible study: For those who prefer to read (rather than view or listen only), a written transcript of the entire Bible study will be provided for reading and reflection.

3. 1-2 page study guide with questions for reflection/discussion for each presentation: Ideal for prayer groups and group/parish Bible study, as well as personal reflection.

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Introduction to Catholicism

Hosea 4:6: 'My people perish for lack of knowledge'

Church Militant's Catholicism series was a collection of 300-word articles full of key Catholic terms and definitions. They allow Catholics to grasp the One True Faith — and then knowledgeably discuss it with others. This series helps fill a void called out by Cdl. Raymond Burke, former prefect of the Apostolic Signatura.

At a 2016 conference in Rome, Burke quoted the famous catechist Fr. John Hardon S.J.: "Catholicism is in the throes of the worst crisis in its entire history." The cardinal then identified the solution:

Fr. Hardon knew that the necessary strong Catholic witness depends essentially upon the right understanding of the Faith and its demands provided by sound catechesis. He saw how decades of a thin and even false catechesis had created a situation in which many Catholics ... were left in confusion and error regarding the most fundamental tenets of the Catholic faith and of the moral law.

The series of articles thus provide objective catechesis so Catholics can persevere in keeping the Faith and also help others to spiritually flourish during the crisis of faith that has engulfed the Church.

The series further gives Catholics the tools to dig even deeper into their Faith by linking to the following authoritative sources:

Each article focuses on certain aspects of the Catholic Faith with a touch of theology for depth while striving for simplicity.

Stay tuned here for more details!